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Transcript- Episode 92: How to Become A Lifelong Learner in an Ever Changing Industry With Carolyn Hull The General Manager at the EWDD of Los Angeles Episode 92

Apr 25, 2023

00:00:00            Carolyn

Now, you're going to have to be a lifelong learner. Those days of getting that degree and working at one company is probably not the future. And what is important is that we all upskill at various points, and as a result, we need to support the ability to utilize the latest technology like...

Apr 25, 2023

When was the last time you learned something new in your career or field of study? In order to stay up-to-date with the changing work landscape we have to continue to upskill and learn new technologies in order to remain relevant. Today we’ll discover what the Economic and Workforce Development Department does...

Transcript- Episode 91: The Key To Breaking Down Barriers Through Apprenticeship Programs Episode 91

Apr 11, 2023


00:00:00            Salvatrice

For the future, if we genuinely as a community care about the health, longevity, sustainability of our communities, of our local communities, the health of workforce, and I'm not talking about like physical health and mental health, I'm talking about wealth-health of our community, then...

Apr 11, 2023

Why don’t we hear about more apprenticeship opportunities for students? Today we’ll discuss the development of apprenticeships and cover what goes on behind the scenes when it comes to funding, planning, executing, and regulating these programs, and why they're so hard to come by. Digging in deep we’ll cover the...