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Transcript- Episode 98: How To Support Our Students’ Career Goals With Assemblymember Mike Fong Episode 98

Jul 18, 2023

00:00:00 Mike

And when we look at the future of work as part of our mission, we know that community colleges prepare students not just only for transfer to a four-year college, but also prepare students for careers and high-paying jobs. And it's work around workforce development, working with our industry partners to...

Jul 18, 2023

What is the best way to prepare students to get high-paying jobs in today’s world? Today, Salvatrice Cummo is joined by Assemblymember Mike Fong to discuss California's higher education committee, what it does for students in the area, and how we can help students reach their goals. Together they’ll cover...

Transcript- Episode 97: The Key To A Successful Mentorship Program With Dr. Shannon LaCount Principal Product Manager at Mentor Collective Episode 97

Jul 4, 2023


00:00:00 Shannon

It is a way of the students being able to say, "This is how I'm feeling, this is what I need, this is what I'm asking for." And it's a way of hearing them and responding to it in an efficient and then ultimately effective way.

00:00:11 Shannon

So, it's not just, "We know these things about you, so...

Jul 4, 2023

Why don’t more students have mentors? It is up to colleges and institutions to create spaces where students feel heard and seen by their educators and mentors. Our host Salvatrice Cummo, is joined by Dr. Shannon LaCount, the principal product manager at Mentor Collective, to learn how they help students in higher...